I have been meaning to start a blog for a long time, but the idea came
to me (or was sent) on a trip to England last December. But how to make
it happen?
How to explain the Campion transformation?! What made a sickly old man into a pillar of strength and hope - like John Paul II? How can we explain the radical change in the life of St. Edmund, John Paul II, or any other?
What transformed weakness into strength? How did they become real men and saints? There's no magical recipe, but their examples show us the way.
Evelyn Waugh writes about Campion's transformation in his biography. He specifically refers to Campion's change when he joins the Jesuits,
To the superficial observer there might seem to be little change. He was leading the old life which he knew and loved...and Campion suddenly emerges as a hero.
Campion stands out from even his most gallant and chivalrous contemporaries...by the supernatural grace that was in him. That the gentle scholar, trained all his life for the pulpit and the lecture room, was able at the word of command to step straight into a world of violence, and acquit himself nobly; that the man, capable of the strenuous heroism of that last year and a hall, was able, without any complaint, to pursue the sombre routine of the teacher and contemplative without impatience a lifetime so employed - there lies the mystery which sets Campion’s triumph apart from the ordinary achievements of human strength.
I love the motto, "live the ordinary in an extraordinary way". This is something I experience daily in my own vocation as a missionary. We call ourselves "ordinary radicals of Jesus Christ". This strange but epic quality of life was first revealed through the life of Jesus however He has become so domesticated (or perhaps WE have) by our culture that people forget the man who turned the world upside down! I wonder who was the first to suggest that Jesus was just a "nice guy" and so we should go to church so we can be considered "nice people"...Is this the radical life we are called to? Certainly not! Jesus was a man who called for RADICAL and HOLY saints! The word "radical" is something to fear, not because it means crazy without a purpose, but because the word "radical" actually means "rooted"! Think about the book of Acts...The apostles receive the Holy Spirit during Pentecost in Chapter 2, and then call upon the spirit AGAIN in Chapter 4! This is because they knew they had to be "radical" and therefore "rooted" in Jesus Christ and His gift of the Holy Spirit! Which brings me to that other word, "holy". The word "holy" means "set apart". I don't know about you but I always see that word and think more along the lines of blending in by being a "nice person" and never disturbing anything or anyone...BUT WAIT A MINUTE, wasn't it Jesus who destroyed the temple and re-built it in three days time? Wasn't it Him who rebuked pharisees and ate with tax collectors and prostitutes? And wasn't it Jesus who "set HIMSELF apart" the most by being born in a manger to be a servant to us and one day "set apart" His body and blood as a sacrifice for us on the cross. I want to be the Christian that follows that guy! That RADICAL and HOLY man who calls us to be RADICAL and HOLY saints! And thanks Campion Project for giving us insight on how to do that!