Tuesday 29 November 2011

Another Andy

Yesterday, it was Andrew Luck. Today it's another Andy!

Frustrated he flung out the nets with a vengeance. The catch hadn't been good, and his fellow fisherman hadn't helped! How could he just sit there for hours doing the same thing? They hadn't caught hardly anything. What a life - this couldn't be for him!

But what could he do? He and his brother had been listening to a man called John for a couple months now. Now there was a man with perspective - change, conversion, and one coming to bring true freedom. That was more like it!

"Come on," his companion broke the silence as he dashed after a figure that had just passed. Who was this? It wasn't John, but Andrew didn't need much convincing. Anything was better than the nets.

As they neared the man, he turned to ask, "What do you want?" Like good Galileans (or Irishmen), they answered with a question, "Master, where do you live?"

The answer would take a lifetime - "Come and see."

Of the few times we see him in the Gospel, he constantly brings others to Christ, starting with his brother, Simon Peter.

St. Andrew's feast is today, and it's an opportunity to see how much a man he was - a fishermen transformed by grace. That day Christ walked by, he began an adventure that would last a lifetime, change the world, bring him far away from his home land, and ultimately lead to his death. A death similar to that of the same man that first called him - crucifixion.

Yet, it was worth it all because as he said, "we have found the Messiah, the Christ!"

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