Sunday 20 November 2011

A Blog

It seems like I have been meaning to write this forever. God had a plan, and the idea occurred to me on a trip to England last December. But how to make it happen?

How to explain the Campion transformation?! What made a sickly old man into a pillar of strength and hope - like John Paul II? How can we explain the radical change in the life of St. Edmund, John Paul II, or any other?

What transformed weakness into strength? How did they become real men and saints? There's no magical recipe, but their examples show us the way.

Evelyn Waugh writes about Campion's transformation in his biography. He specifically refers to Campion's change when he joins the Jesuits,

To the superficial observer there might seem to be little change. He was leading the old life which he knew and loved...and Campion suddenly emerges as a hero.

Campion stands out from even his most gallant and chivalrous the supernatural grace that was in him. That the gentle scholar, trained all his life for the pulpit and the lecture room, was able at the word of command to step straight into a world of violence, and acquit himself nobly; that the man, capable of the strenuous heroism of that last year and a hall, was able, without any complaint, to pursue the sombre routine of the teacher and contemplative without impatience a lifetime so employed - there lies the mystery which sets Campion’s triumph apart from the ordinary achievements of human strength.

This is just it - live the ordinary in an extraordinary way - become a man and a saint in the humdrum of today's world.

Our life is a process, a project, as for Edmund Campion - the CampionProject!


  1. John Paul II has always intrigued me. Maybe because he was from Poland too, but he truly was a holy man. There was something about him that just illuminated the room, there is something to be said about those kinds of people. A lot of times we have those kinds of people around us and I think we should be encouraged by them, and not just be passive observers.

    great article Mark! Look forward to more.

  2. "This is just it - live the ordinary in an extraordinary way - become a man and a saint in the humdrum of today's world." Hit the nail on the head, Br Mark. Great Idea for a blog.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. Definitely looking for stories and men of virtue today, especially athletes and soldiers. Let me know if you have any.

  4. Go ahead with this project. This is an inspiration esp. when we (*people living in the secular world) are caught up by so many things that distract us from following Christ more closely.

    I do not know many stories coming from athletes and soldiers. I hope I could read more on this too.

    Una preghiera...
